PPE Goggles
Axiom Products carries a selection of ready-to-use indirect-vented goggles and non-vented goggles to meet or exceed the chemical handling safety needs of your employees or customers.
Axiom Products offers two different types of PPE goggles—indirect-vented goggles and non-vented goggles—to address the chemical handling safety requirements of even the most exacting customers. Our products are designed to be retail ready and come prepackaged, so they’re ready for display at your store or everyday use at your facility.
Product features:
Take a look at our two PPE goggle options below to decide which you’re ready to stock.
Are you trying to decide whether to stock indirect-vented or non-vented goggles at your store? Our indirect-vented goggles are suited for most chemical handling applications, including mixing, spraying, and disposing. The side vents enable breathability while providing splash, dust, and spray protection in both indoor and outdoor environments. If all-day comfort and wearability are a priority, our indirect-vented offer the best option.
Our non-vented goggles provide superior vapor protection in environments where vapor exposure is possible. They are completely sealed and don’t have any vents, so they deliver maximum protection against impact, splashing, dust, and caustic vapors. However, that also means they aren’t as breathable and comfortable to wear for extended periods.
Whenever you’re handling, mixing, or disposing of chemicals, there’s an inherent risk of chemicals splashing into the eyes. That’s why Axiom Products always recommends you wear PPE goggles anytime you’re dealing with liquid chemicals, particularly in these industries:
If your store serves customers in these industries, make sure you’re stocking both indirect-vented and non-vented goggles to provide proper PPE equipment for a range of applications.